Sunday, October 28, 2007

It's true, I AM a cowboy

I just had one of those special moments in life that will go down in history as my Most Embarrassing Moment Ever. I was working the E For All show in L.A. this past week, and somehow found myself on the Rock Band stage in front of a rather large crowd. For the uninitiated, Rock Band is a new game in the spirit of Guitar Hero, except there are 4 positions - guitar, bass, drums, and microphone. We had a group of 4 wanting to check it out, so we headed over to the booth. They handed us some forms to sign, dangled a free t-shirt in front of our eyes, and pointed us to the side of the stage. And there we waited.

Now, a quick side trip. Have you ever had 5 people go to cram into a car, and one by one everyone quickly said "Not the bitch" to avoid having to sit on the "hump" in the back seat? Well lets just say I was slow on the draw, and ended up with a microphone in my hand. Singing a song I didn't know. It gets much worse. Someone then sent the video to my boss, who sent it out to the entire company. Ah yes, pure comedy gold.

So without further delay, feel free to view and enjoy my shame.